Our support in setting up and developing your craft or agricultural business

Our support in setting up and developing your craft or agricultural business
You want to start your own business, but you don't know where to begin, or you're facing problems on a number of technical, strategic, organisational and financial fronts, and you're feeling quite alone. Setting up a business is not an easy task, and setting up a craft business committed to the ecological transition is a very specific one.
Whether you set up or take over a business, your passion for the trade and your quest for personal fulfilment are the driving forces behind your action.
Today, a third of new businesses are in the craft sector. Taking over a craft business is financially more costly than setting one up. In this case, you're starting with what you've already got and with elements that need to be upgraded.
Whether you are setting up or taking over a business, your chances of long-term success depend on a number of factors. Isolation, lack of specific skills, lack of time and poor cash flow can all lead to wasted opportunities, irrelevant decisions and mistakes.
Many operators offer business start-up and takeover support services. But only Lokal Eko's expert craftsmen have the experience and expertise on the ground to understand and put themselves in the shoes of a project owner and know what levers can help them.
Our tailored support and advice for setting up, taking over or expanding a craft business
Firstly, when it comes to training in craft and agricultural trades, Lokal Eko has formed a partnership with Savoir Faire et Découverte, a training organisation specialised in the transmission of manual skills.
Then, when it comes to thinking about the feasibility of your project, Lokal Eko has set up a special training course on setting up a craft or agricultural business. This is provided by a team of consultants, coaches and craftspeople/experts in the business in question.
Finally, for the operational phase of your project, Lokal Eko offers on-demand support, whether it's to answer a tricky question or to be by your side for the time it takes to solve your problems.
Our craftsmen/experts, farmers, consultants, advisers and coaches are all involved in the local and ecological economy. For them, it's the development of small, human-scale structures, linked to their local environment, whose activity is based on respect for natural and social balances, that is motivating.
They have developed their activities, their professionalism, their creativity and a high level of efficiency in execution to achieve economic, social and environmental success. They have faced many questions and obstacles themselves when setting up and running their businesses. They also often organise training courses.
As a result, they are in a position to provide support to all project owners looking to launch their own business.
Example of support in setting up or taking over a craft or agricultural business
Lokal Eko will help you to :
- Understand the specifics of the local and ecological economy, and the principle of bio-regions
- Turn your idea into a project
- Draw up a business and financial plan
- Choose your legal status and receive guidance on the administrative procedures involved in launching your business
- Set up certification for your production methods
- Identify public funding and receive advice on how to apply for it
- Design a territorial marketing approach
- Implement a low environmental impact approach
- Calculate your cash flow requirements...
But also for technical or practical questions: craft, manual and ecological know-how, self-build and ecological construction, etc.
Experts in business creation and development
Whether you need a one-off consultant or tailored support, our experts can provide you with advice and answers to all your questions.

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