Our support for natural sourdough bakery - wood-fired baking

Our support for natural sourdough bakery - wood-fired baking
By sourcing local organic flours from agro-ecological farms, artisan bakers are helping to promote local agricultural products while contributing to the ecological transition.
They also minimise the environmental impact of their business by making the right energy choices. The use of sawmill waste, the use of 'green' electricity, and the organisation of biscuit production after bread baking to use oven heat are all successful ways of reducing the company's environmental footprint.
By choosing to use natural sourdough, they allow the wheat varieties to express their full potential and produce bread with incomparable nutritional qualities.
Making your own homemade bread for a couple requires 100 kg of flour. That's a good way of saving money each year. You can also bake brioches, croissants and pizzas...
Making or restoring your own wood-fired oven can also be an integral part of a bakery project. Baking in a wood-fired oven offers a taste experience that goes back to the flavours of the past.
We provide tailor-made support and advice for artisan bread-making using natural sourdough and wood-fired baking.
When setting up a new business or changing careers, professional bakers who want to source their flour locally have to create a network of quality suppliers with local millers or artisan mills that offer flours from old and rustic varieties, choose the type of oven, invest in it or build it themselves, define their marketing methods, create their recipes and organise their production, all with an economic objective that will enable them to make a living from their trade.
Lokal Eko's expert bakers will advise you every step of the way as you set up and develop your business, as well as supporting private individuals who want to rediscover the pleasure of sourdough bread at home. They have real-world experience, which they will make available to you when you need it.
Examples of personalised support for your natural sourdough, wood-fired baking project
There are a number of strategic and technical questions to be answered when setting up a small-scale bakery micro-enterprise, or even once you are established :
- Should you make your own flour, for example, and if so, which mill should you choose?
- When should you hire, and what kind of profile should you have?
- Should you invest in a growth chamber?
- How often should you create new recipes?
- How do you use ancient flours?
- How do you make viennoiseries using natural sourdough?
- How can I make gluten-free bread?
For the general public, as well as for professional bakers, there are many production issues.
Expert consultants in natural sourdough baking, wood-fired baking, ancient flours ...
They can help you with technical, organisational, supply, material, marketing and territorial issues...

Artisanat et transition écologique