Our advice on beekeeping, biodynamics and the well-being of bees

Our advice on beekeeping, biodynamics and the well-being of bees
Biodynamic beekeeping is a method of keeping bees as part of an overall biodynamic approach to agriculture. Inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, this approach sees the hive as a living organism interconnected with its environment. It emphasises respect for biodiversity, the balance of ecosystems and the overall health of bees.
- Techniques used by biodynamic beekeepers :
Bees that are more resistant to disease: Biodynamic beekeepers select bee lines that are adapted to the climate and their environment, resulting in more robust populations that are more resistant to disease. The Black bee, for example, is a breed that adapts perfectly to its environment, building up and managing its food reserves.
- Sedentary apiaries :
In contrast to the frequent movement of hives in conventional agriculture, biodynamic beekeeping favours sedentary or semi-sedentary apiaries, with a maximum of one or two transhumance visits per year. This allows the bees to adapt naturally to their local habitat and better manage their environment.
- Use of natural waxes :
As part of their ecological approach, biodynamic beekeepers use natural waxes for the frames of their hives. This ensures that the bees build their cells according to their natural life cycle, promoting their well-being and development.
- Gentle harvesting methods :
Biodynamic beekeepers adopt gentle methods of harvesting honey to minimise stress to the bees. They ensure that only excess honey is taken, leaving the bees with enough food to survive the winter.
- Apitherapy and natural treatments :
Rather than using chemicals or antibiotics to treat disease, biodynamic beekeepers use natural methods, such as essential oils and natural techniques, to boost the health of the bees. Prevention also plays an important role, and requires careful observation of the hives and the bees' behaviour.
- Beehives :
Hive models are chosen according to the climate in which the beekeeper is based. They are made from natural, environmentally-friendly materials, such as untreated wood, which is harmless to bees and the environment. Some beekeepers also make straw hives.
- Benefits for the environment and bees :
Biodynamic beekeeping helps to restore the balance of ecosystems while supporting the survival of bees, which are essential for pollination. By protecting the health of bee colonies, biodynamic beekeepers help to preserve biodiversity and ensure the long-term survival of crops. In return, the bees reward the beekeepers with top-quality honey, rich in flavour and with health benefits.
Our tailor-made support and advice for biodynamic beekeeping.
Our experts provide support for (future) beekeepers, either upstream or downstream of a technical training course, or for associations or individuals wishing to set up an apiary at home.
Our craftsmen/experts are experienced beekeepers who practise beekeeping methods that respect bees and the environment.
This activity is an essential link in the relocation of the economy. France currently imports between 66% and 75% of its honey consumption. The number of beekeepers and hives has been falling since 2020.
That's why we're keen to help people who want to set up apiaries, whether as part of a personal, community or business project. You can also ask a veterinary consultant for advice by clicking here.
Examples of questions about natural beekeeping :
- Where can I find hives with the queen?
- How can I treat varroa mites naturally?
- Where can I buy my equipment?
- When should I buy my swarms?
- Where should I place my hive?
Our expert beekeepers will help you :
If you want to set up an apiary at home, in an association or to create a honey production business, get help from our expert beekeepers in biodynamics, respect for the environment and bees... Ask your question and you'll be put in touch with the expert best placed to answer you and give you advice.

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