Advice on aromatic and medicinal plants - production and processing

Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Cornflower, Calendula, Blackcurrant, Centranthe, Marshmallow, Helichrysum, Hyssop, Mallow, Lemon Balm, Bergamot Mint, Spearmint, Oregano, Rosemary, Rose, Savory, Sage, Sunflower, Thyme, Verbena... over 900 species can be grown worldwide under the "aromatic and medicinal plant" designation. 

The sector is dynamic. It has a good image with the public, and it's possible to set up on a small plot of land, or to do wild picking as a sideline. As a result, in addition to agricultural diversification projects, the sector is attracting a large number of newcomers motivated by short circuits and small-scale farming. 

Aromatherapy, natural cosmetics based on macerates, well-being herbal teas, treatments using essential oils or gemmotherapy. Aromatic and medicinal plants are behind all the products used in these natural care techniques. 

Although it is possible to make a living from this profession on small plots of land, the fact remains that the producer-processor of aromatic and medicinal plants needs to master a wide range of skills: choosing the right plot of land and analysing the soil, knowing the botany, choosing and mastering cultivation techniques (e.g. on mounds or beds), caring for the plants, choosing the right equipment, types of processing (fresh, herbal teas, syrup, essential oils, hydrolats, cosmetics, etc.), choosing marketing methods, etc.

We offer tailor-made support and advice to help you develop a business growing and processing aromatic and medicinal plants.

Our expert farmer-producer-processors will help you set up your business, develop your production and choose the best processing and marketing methods. 

They give you advice on : 

  • varieties suited to your environment
  • growing methods
  • the most appropriate drying and processing techniques
  • the tools best suited to your project
  • regulatory developments 

They can also put you in touch with other professionals (for work placements or partnerships) or distribution channels they know. 

You can also get advice from a beekeeper on installing beehives to help pollinate your aromatic and medicinal plant crops.

Examples of questions and advice on growing, harvesting and processing aromatic and medicinal plants

  • Which dryer should I choose?
  • How do I build my own dryer? What dimensions?
  • Which plants for which properties?
  • How can I create cosmetics from aromatic and medicinal plants?
  • What are the regulations on wild harvesting?
  • How do I calculate the selling price of my macerates? Herbal teas? Essential oils?
  • How should I store my plants before distilling them?
  • What size still should I use for my project?
  • How do I use a dehumidifier to dry my plants?
  • What are the climatic conditions for growing a particular plant?
  • What's the difference between a copper still and a stainless steel still? 

Our expert producers, pickers and processors of aromatic and medicinal plants will advise you

For all your questions about production, harvesting or processing, whether for personal, professional or community use.