Our support for green building and eco-construction

Our support for green building and eco-construction
Building a wooden cabin, garage or house using timber-frame construction or traditional carpentry techniques, a brick bread oven, renovating old buildings using natural coatings, restoring stone or earthen walls, terracotta floors or doing your own paint ; all can help to preserve ecosystems.
Green building and eco-construction are key to meeting the challenges of ecological transition. Consumers, public purchasers and businesses are all attracted by the benefits of optimised energy consumption and a low carbon footprint. The negative impact of the mass construction sector on global warming is now well known. The construction industry alone produces 24% of greenhouse gas emissions and consumes 45% of one country's energy. Transporting materials around the world and using industrial manufacturing methods can be replaced by developing the use of biosourced raw materials processed.
Green construction is on the increase, thanks to passionate, committed craftsmen and private individuals. The sectors are becoming more organised and incorporating more and more environmental concepts. Eco-construction has a bright future. They require a high level of manual skills and environmental awareness. Ecological management of built heritage is also a practical and sustainable approach that helps to maintain the local economy.
An old house does not react in the same way as a modern house to climatic changes. Calling on expertise in old buildings, a timber-frame consultant or a renovation consultant for self-builders can help you avoid making mistakes, damaging buildings and spending time and money on unsuitable solutions.
The choice of materials is the key to eco-construction and self-build. Biobased materials are more efficient and durable than petrochemical materials. Wood, clay, wool, hemp, flax and plant fibres are the solutions of the future, and they also store CO2. Whether for preventive or curative conservation, eco-construction offers many possibilities. The eco-construction sectors require skills, know-how and the ability to innovate.
Tailor-made support and advice for green building and eco-construction
Tutorials can be useful, but how long does it take to find the information? How can you be sure it's right for your particular situation?
Our craftsmen/experts can help you solve your problems and make your projects a success. Whether you're setting up your own business in the eco-construction or green building sectors, preparing for a career change or are a private individual looking to do some building work yourself, our craftsmen/experts can guide you in finding natural products and local materials: hemp, terracotta, earth, straw, wood, cork, pigments, wood wool, sheep's wool, etc.
They can offer you relevant solutions to implement: timber frames, earth renderings, hemp-lime insulating renderings, sanitation and phytodepuration, etc.
Example of support for your eco-construction / self-build project
Our craftsmen/experts study the characteristics and situation of your project in its environment and in relation to your objectives and constraints.
They can help you with the design (producing a professional-quality plan) and implementation.
They will guide you in :
- master application techniques and know the properties of materials to optimise them,
- know how to organise and manage your worksite,
- draw up an economic development plan,
- propose coherent price quotations...
Experts in green building and eco-construction
To meet these day-to-day challenges, we've selected a team of timber carpenters, timber builders, craftsmen working on old buildings and materials specialists who will guide and support you step by step, whether you're a keen amateur or a (future) professional, on technical, practical and organisational issues.

Artisanat et transition écologique