Our support for biodynamic arboriculture

Our support for biodynamic arboriculture
Ecological approaches to arboriculture are attracting growing public interest. Choosing fruit grown with respect for the environment and our health is becoming a growing concern for consumers. With the gradual withdrawal of phytosanitary products, many professional orchards are converting to organic farming, and arboriculturists must consequently evolve their practices towards biodynamic arboriculture.
An orchard run according to agro-ecology or Rudolf Steiner's biodynamic principles offers many advantages as part of the ecological transition. In addition to its food production and its methods of intervention, far from the phytosanitary and petrochemical industries, it is home to a rich biodiversity. Birds feast on the many insects and play their part in balancing the food chain alongside beneficial insects and bats. The flora has a wide variety of species, and the orchard's overall ecosystem contains numerous habitats that are favourable to the local fauna.
However, the design and maintenance of a productive agroecological orchard must be thought through in such a way as to encourage the orchard's natural regulation mechanisms and capacities.
Agro-ecological techniques advocate grazing chickens or sheep to fertilise the orchard and help combat pests.
There are therefore many parameters involved. There are agronomic factors, such as sustainable management of soil fertility, financial factors, and organisational or technical factors, such as the time you have to devote to your orchard and the equipment available.
We offer tailor-made support and advice to help you start up and maintain your agro-ecological orchard.
Our expert arboriculturists are all committed to agro-ecological practices. They regularly run short, practical courses in organic fruit growing. They are involved in technical groups, have been carrying out tests for decades and keep up with changes in practices.
They will advise you, taking into account every aspect of your project and your orchard.
Whether you're a professional or a private individual, Lokal Eko's craftsmen/experts will provide you with personalised solutions tailored to the context of your orchard.
Examples of advice for starting and maintaining your biodynamic fruit orchard
With Lokal Eko, you get advice on :
- The selection of traditional varieties and/or varieties adapted to the local context or resulting from selection work for greater productivity,
- Half-stem or low-stem, apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, peach trees, apricot trees, kiwi trees, fig trees, etc.
- Growing small fruit: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, mirabelles, etc.
- Biodynamic cultivation and the transition to biodynamic agriculture
Our arboricultural experts can also help you with :
- choosing the best inter-row layout for your plantation,
- controlling diseases such as moniliosis, oidium, scab and chancre
- strategies for controlling pests such as codling moths, caterpillars, mealybugs, mites, aphids, nematodes, fungi, psyllids, slugs, snails or flies.
You will also be guided through the identification of these different diseases and species.
We can also advise you on the best time to use biocontrol products, introduce beneficial organisms and treat with plant-based preparations.
When it comes to livestock practices associated with your orchard, Lokal Eko can help you choose breeds, herd sizes and protection for trees and crops. Click here to find out more.
Expert craftsmen in agrobiology and agroecology arboriculture
The arboriculturists and experts in the network are all at least committed to organic farming and some to the 'Nature & Progrès' or 'Demeter' networks (French quality labels or certifications). In our view, only these approaches can bring about a change in the production model, not only in terms of practices, but also in terms of the economic, social and territorial aspects.

Artisanat et transition écologique

La transition écologique : la voie de l’avenir

La biodynamie, ce n'est pas sorcier